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(Contracted to Ford Credit)

Digital Marketing Analyst

October 2018 to Present

I work on the Account Manager website for Ford Credit. Currently, we are migrating and modernizing the experience for customers. I am focused on ensuring that the code meets business requirements and exceeds customer expectations. I have helped to migrate the following features to the new website: Account Statements, the classic site’s server host to WAS liberty.

IAB Digital Marketing and Media Foundations


July 2018

I earned this certification after my college course about Digital Communication Strategy. In the class, we prepared for this exam and created a media plan to launch a new application. This certification focused on digital ad operations, digital marketing, media planning, and data analytics.   

Stukent Mimic Pro

Course Completion

February 2018

This was a course that I took as a part of a digital marketing conference for college students that allowed me to simulate running search campaigns for a business. I learned about Keyword Research, Data Analysis, Writing Ads, and Basic on-site Search Engine Optimization. We were challenged to generate as much profit as we could using our given budget. I finished 2nd among all competitors in the amount of profits generated for the business. 

Stukent Mimic Social

Course Completion

February 2018

This was a course that I took as a part of a digital marketing conference for college students that allowed me to simulate running the social media for a business. I learned about increasing Brand Awareness, Engagement, and Sales through social media. We were challenged to grow the brand’s 

University of Michigan-Dearborn

Degree: Digital Marketing

Graduation: May 2018

I chose Digital Marketing as my degree because marketing was the most interesting class for me in high school and the internet has become an essential part of modern life. 

American Marketing Association

Vice President of Competitions

2015 to 2018

I led the chapter’s efforts for competitions that we entered against other collegiate AMA chapters from across the country. The competitions included a semester-long marketing case, marketing strategy, perfect pitch, website, and chapter planning. In the case competition, we were challenged with creating a modern marketing plan that attracted millennials to brands that have an old image. Our chapter was recognized as a commendable case in both of the years that I lead the chapter. In the 2018 website competition, our website was named the 5th best in the nation of all college AMA chapters. 

Formula SAE Electric

PR/Social Media Manager

2013 to 2017

I was the person responsible for the team’s digital presence and recruitment on campus. For their digital presence, I created and maintained their website with information about the car, sponsors, photos, and information about the team for visitors. On social media, I focused on the progress of the car, sponsor shoutouts, videos of it running, and at what is going on at competitions. 


I increased interest in the organization by improving the presentation for classes, attending recruitment events, and arranging for the vehicle to be in high traffic areas of campus.

Student Activities Board

Marketing Committee Chair


I created a marketing campaign for the organization because the number of active members decreased for 2 consecutive semesters. My campaign was “Plan your fun” It focused on students planning what they were interested in and then helping to market the event. With the student who brought the idea, their passion for the event helped to convince other students to take a chance on the event.  This campaign grew active membership by 30% and increased the average event attendance by 15%. Some of the events that were planned: Hockey Tailgates, Mario Kart Tournaments, finals de-stress events, ice skating at campus martius, and a trip to halloweekends.

Crain’s Communications

Digital Marketing Intern

Spring 2017

I interned for the trade newspaper Plastics News. My focus was on improving the interaction and click-through rate for articles written by the Plastics News Reporters. 

I created a plan to improve their click-through rate, and views by scheduling articles, using hashtags, and generating interest in the post itself.  After analyzing their posts for the highest click-through rates, I concluded that just before lunch, 4:30 pm, and 9:15 am were the most successful times to post.   In addition, the articles were being posted without captivating the reader to want to continue to read. With my plan for spacing out posts and giving the reader an intro to the article, Plastics News saw their click-through rate improve by 3%.

American Marketing Association Member of the Year

Member of the Year


This award is voted on by all of the members of the Michigan-Dearborn on who “Had the most outstanding and lasting contribution to the organization”


I earned this award because I was the first to volunteer for recruiting, event planning, set up and working on the chapter’s competitions, and pro bono work. 

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